Xbox vs Playstation - pornhub stats

PornHub has released its 2022 year in review, detailing who was horny for what, where, and how this past year. The review features some enlightening data, like Florida's love for BBCs, but our favorite stat shows that almost 75% of porn consumed on gaming consoles was done by Playstation users. 

PornHub traffic by game console

With their traffic up over 20%, and Xbox's down by over 30% compared to last year, it can be confirmed once and for all that Xbox bros get laid more than their Playstation counterparts. 

This data makes sense for a number of reasons. Playstation had four exclusives released this year compared to Xbox's three, and they were more popular as well. Even though Playstation's fourth was only released in November, it was God of War: Ragnorok, by far the biggest of any exclusive this year. This means that the whole month of November was likely spent inside by Playstation users. Starfield's delay and Xbox's continued botching of Halo Infinite certainly didn't help keep their users off the streets. 

Of course, this data can be more easily explained by the fact that Playstation has about 150 million installs worldwide compared to Xbox's 64 million, closely aligning with PornHub's numbers. Still, there was a net 50% change in porn-watching habits from the consoles this year. 

We would expect this trend to continue unless Xbox inks its deal with Activision to turn Call of Duty into an exclusive. If that happens, Playstation users might be forced to get out of the house, off the Hub, and into some real-world sexy time.